
Uslovima korišćenja

Company name

Josipa Broza Tita 25 – Podgorica Crna Gora
81000 Podgorica
Registration number: 5-0074653/016
Tax number: 02338181
Telephone number: +382 67 74 25 55

E-mail: rentacar@Euro Tehnika Rent a Car mn.me
www.rentacar-Euro Tehnika Rent a Car .com

Conditions of sale

Different stages, which follow in the process of concluding a contract (sales/purchases)

* Euro Tehnika Rent a Car deals with vehicle rental services, we provide vehicle delivery/pickup services at specific locations on the territory of Montenegro, with a personal approach to each client, where an employee of the rent a car company will provide you with all the necessary services.

Methods and conditions of payment

* Secure payment

EURO TEHNIKA Rent a Car offers several payment options such as:
– online card payment

– payment by card on the spot

– payment in cash

– payment by check


Renter will pay following expenses before signing the agreement, unless otherwise agreed in official correspondence: a) daily fixed charge for the entire rental period

b) deposit/franchise from 100€ to 500€ (depending of car class and by official Euro Tehnika Rent a Car adds on charge list) which Euro Tehnika Rent a Car keeps until the end of rental agreement and vehicle return, and which is obligated to refund to the Renter if the vehicle is returned in the same condition as collected and with all additional equipment, extras and documentation. c) price per kilometer from official Euro Tehnika Rent a Car price list for exceed of mileage limit of 200 kilometers which is valid especially for one day rentals. For any rental longer then 24 hours there is no mileage limit. The number of covered kilometers is computed according to the indications of the kilometer counter at the beginning (upon collection) and at the end of rental period (upon return); d) Standard KASKO insurance (CDW), Theft insurance (TPC) and passenger accident coverage (PAC) are always included in rental prices and valid only for territory of Montenegro. Renter will pay, if desired, super KASKO (SCDW) (insurance that covers tyres, windscreen and downside of the vehicle which standard KASKO insurance (CDW) doesn’t cover) and cross border insurance. Super KASKO insurance (SCDW) and cross border insurance is calculated on daily basis and part of official Euro Tehnika Rent a Car price list. Renter agrees and accepts to be additionaly charged 10€ for „Reffueling service” if he doesn’t return the vehicle to Euro Tehnika Rent a Car with the same level of fuel as received; e) taxes, duties and other expenses related to the rental of the vehicle and any Euro Tehnika Rent a Car costs, including attorney’s fees and default intrest incurred in collecting any kind of payments due related to this rental or related the the repossesion of vehicle by Euro Tehnika Rent a Car f) any fines, penalties, court costs and other expenses, imosed or to be imosed on Euro Tehnika Rent a Car due to the illegal use of the vehicle by Renter. Renter will pay for parking/traffic fines or congestion charge fines. In this latter case renter or additional driver mentioned on front side of agreement shall continue to be responsible for any illegal acts; g) All expenses for damages on the vehicle (up to paid deposit) or vehicle enterior, on the lower part of the vehicle, tyre or wheel damages and their repairment/change, change of windscreen, all if Renter didn’t order and pay offered additional insurance, and everything according to rules of insurance company; Insurance does not cover claims up to 500 €. h) Additional charge for delivering or returning of the vehicle and also the charge for it’s retuns to a location different from the one designated on the front side of this agreement without Euro Tehnika Rent a Car written consent. Such charge will be determinated in the official Euro Tehnika Rent a Car price list (tariff) i) If client returns the car extremely dirty inside (interior) client is obliged to pay 50 euro for cleaning. In the event of any new damage to the vehicle, the client is obliged to contact the company or provide a police report.

Description of the method and terms of product delivery or service provision

Renter has received the vehicle according to the law of Montenegro „On road traffic safety”, which he examined and found in proper conditions, and appropriate for the purpose of renting it. Renter must return the vehicle and all documents, tools and accecories, which are in the property Euro Tehnika Rent a Car in the same condition as he received them. The vehicle must be returned at the location and on the date designated in this agreement. Euro Tehnika Rent a Car allows the renter to be late up to 29 minutes in relation to return time designated in this agreement. After expiration of 29 minutes the renter will be charged 15€ for every 30 minutes of delay, but maximum up to daily price of the rent. If the renter is disabled to return the vehicle at agreed time, date and place he must advice Euro Tehnika Rent a Car by phone at least 1h before. Euro Tehnika Rent a Car reserves the right to gain repossesion and use of the vehicle at any time without notice and without Renter’s consent if at the discretion of Euro Tehnika Rent a Car there is danger of damage or loss of vehicle as well as the risk of not receiving the rental charge.Euro Tehnika Rent a Car has the right the abovementioned case to gain repossesion and use the vehicle if it has been used or is being used in violation of this agreement or after exparation of the designated rental period.

Contractual provisions

Renter is expected to take good care of the vehicle and to inform Euro Tehnika Rent a Car immediately if he notices any problem with the vehicle. Any repair of the vehicle by renter himself or any other person is prohibited without Euro Tehnika Rent a Car prior consent. The money that renter paid for oil or any repairment of the vehicle will be refunded only if there is written consent from Euro Tehnika Rent a Car and only in possesion of fiscal bill. If defectoscopic investigation in official service shows that damage/problem is created by renter fault, Euro Tehnika Rent a Car is not obliged to refund money. It’s prohibited to use vehicle for: a) to be rented to other persons; b) to propel or to tow any vehicle, trailer or other object; to participate in or to follow Rallies or any car sports event; d) for subleasing by renter to any third party; e) for purposes contrary to the Montenegrin law; f) while renter or additional driver of the vehicle are under influence of the alcohol, hallucinatory drugs, narcotics, barbiturates or any other substance impairing his consciousness or ability to react; g) in contravention of any customs, traffic or any other regulations: h) by any third person other then renter and additional driver; i) to transfer or carry heavy luggage, inflammable materials, staining or badly smelling goods, narcotics, etc; i) to make illegal transports of locals or foreigners or to perform illegal acts. Any kind of insurance isn’t valid if this terms of use are violated.

Services offered after the sale (servicing and sale of spare parts), warranty conditions provided with the product or service

Renter has received the vehicle according to the law of Montenegro „On road traffic safety”, which he examined and found in proper conditions, and appropriate for the purpose of renting it. Renter must return the vehicle and all documents, tools and accecories, which are in the property Euro Tehnika Rent a Car in the same condition as he received them. The vehicle must be returned at the location and on the date designated in this agreement. Euro Tehnika Rent a Car allows the renter to be late up to 29 minutes in relation to return time designated in this agreement. After expiration of 29 minutes the renter will be charged 15€ for every 30 minutes of delay, but maximum up to daily price of the rent. If the renter is disabled to return the vehicle at agreed time, date and place he must advice Euro Tehnika Rent a Car by phone at least 1h before. Euro Tehnika Rent a Car reserves the right to gain repossesion and use of the vehicle at any time without notice and without Renter’s consent if at the discretion of Euro Tehnika Rent a Car there is danger of damage or loss of vehicle as well as the risk of not receiving the rental charge. Euro Tehnika Rent a Car has the right the abovementioned case to gain repossesion and use the vehicle if it has been used or is being used in violation of this agreement or after exparation of the designated rental period.

The buyer’s right to terminate the contract according to Article 45 of the Law on Consumer Protection, the deadline for termination, situations in which the buyer’s right to terminate the contract is excluded, and the conditions for complaints, i.e. refund of money and/or goods

Renter has the obligation to compensate Euro Tehnika Rent a Car in the event of theft, loss or damage to the vehicle and to any second parties as well as loss or damage of any car document and equipment suffered by Euro Tehnika Rent a Car More specifically: a) Renter is responsible for all damages he has caused to vehicle or to others, in case he has violated rental terms of use or in case he has been driving same in an illegal manner or in violation of the Montenegrin Driving Code independently of any optional extra insurance accepted; b) Renter is partially responsible for the damage occurred on the vehicle or in case of theft up to amount of paid deposit/franchise, which is minimum fee for damage or theft compensation. Renter is fully responsible for damage, loss or theft if he didn’t use the vehicle in compliance with the terms of this agreement and particulary with the article 4 of this agreement; c) Renter is fully responsible for damage of windscreen, wheels and tyres and down part of the vehicle except if he ordered and paid Super KASKO insurance (SCDW); d) Renter is fully responsible for damages of the vehicle interior; e) Renter is fully responsible for loss of regular and additional equipment as well as for extras he ordered such as first aid package, baby seat, GPS navigation, etc; f) Renter is fully responsible for loss of the vehicle key and he agrees to compensate expenses of ordering new key from the local official car distributor and following expenses if there are some, associated with key loss like lock change, computer change, etc; g) Renter is fully responsible in case of loss any vehicle document. Vehicle documents are: car passport, technical (white) card, green card, compulsory insurance, passenger insurance and accident report.

Renter has received the vehicle according to the law of Montenegro „On road traffic safety”, which he examined and found in proper conditions, and appropriate for the purpose of renting it. Renter must return the vehicle and all documents, tools and accessories, which are in the property Euro Tehnika Rent a Car in the same condition as he received them. The vehicle must be returned at the location and on the date designated in this agreement. Euro Tehnika Rent a Car allows the renter to be late up to 29 minutes in relation to return time designated in this agreement. After expiration of 29 minutes the renter will be charged 15€ for every 30 minutes of delay, but maximum up to daily price of the rent. If the renter is disabled to return the vehicle at agreed time, date and place he must inform Euro Tehnika Rent a Car by phone at least 1h before. Euro Tehnika Rent a Car reserves the right to gain repossesion and use of the vehicle at any time without notice and without Renter’s consent if at the discretion of Euro Tehnika Rent a Car there is danger of damage or loss of vehicle as well as the risk of not receiving the rental charge.Euro Tehnika Rent a Car has the right the abovementioned case to gain repossesion and use the vehicle if it has been used or is being used in violation of this agreement or after experation of the designated rental period.

All employees of the EURO TEHNIKA RENT A CAR company or other authorized persons reserve the right to control the way the vehicle is used at any time, if there are indications that it is not being used in accordance with the Agreement and the General Conditions of Vehicle Use, and have the possibility to demand the vehicle and prematurely terminate the vehicle rental and the right termination of the Agreement, anytime and anywhere.

EURO TEHNIKA RENT A CAR reserves the right to track the movement of the vehicle through the GPS system.